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What are some harsh realities of life?

A man gets done making love with his wife, the sex was transcendent. The wife informs her husband that they will soon be adding a new member to the family, as she shows him the two positive pregnancy tests she had done days before the big reveal.
This is exciting news! This excitement sparks up a conversation of the foreseeable future they will have together.
There were talks about moving to the west coast, starting that business, buying the dream house, and the type of life they would provide their soon-to-be child.

It’s 6 AM, the alarm goes off. The man looks over and observes that his wife is unresponsive. Hours later, it is confirmed that she suddenly died in her sleep.
This brings us to the first harsh reality of life:
  • You really never know how much time you have left. You never know how exactly you will die!
All of the goals this couple had for the future, GONE within less than 24 hours!
Now think about the goals you have for your life.
Will you live long enough to even attempt to accomplish these goals?
You really have no idea.
What if you only had 11 days left to live? What would you do? I bet the things you decided to do with that time is not the same as the things you would decide to do if say… you had 20 years left to live.
You’d be surprised how much time people waste in life. By waste, I mean they spend their time caring about the wrong things, not caring about what they find to be truly important… not when life is normal anyway.
They usually come to this realization when something happens, something that reminds them that this can’t go on forever. That one day, you too will become sick or die just like the billions of people that have died and been forgotten throughout human history (do you remember the names of your great great great grandparents?).

The brevity and chaos of life is something that many struggle to accept. That is what makes it a harsh reality. This story also represents another harsh reality.
  • The only promises in life are that everything comes to an end and that everyone suffers.
Everyone you know and love will eventually die and suffer in their lives.
Every relationship, business, memory, etc. will eventually come to an end. Everything always changes. Life is truly about the journey… but the harsh reality involved with this fact is that:
  • We don’t know what actions to take to allow everyone to have a great life. In fact, it is other peoples misery that leads to other peoples happiness.
Remember that scholarship you got? Yeah, that meant that hundreds of other kids had to deal with the rejection of not getting that opportunity.
Got into a really selective University? Thousands of kids would KILL to be in your spot!
Did you enjoy that steak you had for dinner? That resulted from the misery of billions of cows that had to be slaughtered to fill the need for our meat consumption. Not only the misery of cows but the misery of low-paid immigrant workers that are subjected to working conditions that YOU personally wouldn’t put up with.
Do you like your job? It’s better than being a garbage collector, right (no offense, I respect all the garbage collectors reading this)? Well, someone has to do it. However, you have to wonder, how many people actually enjoy doing the jobs they feel FORCED to do?
You don’t get to pick your parents, your environment, the time in history you are born, your genes, your neurochemistry, or any other factor that makes you who you are!
Life has no rules about being fair. You could very well live a terrible life from sheer unluckiness
This is why you shouldn’t spread hatred and arrogance. We are all going to die and suffer some day. Why be anything but nice to others in the meantime?

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