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What financial struggles do millennials face that previous generations didn't?

OK, millennials, here’s the straight stuff, ( and I speak in general, not specifics, because there are many exceptions…):

  1. You don’t know how to save, so you have no savings.
  2. You confuse wants with needs, so you are addicted to consumerism.
  3. You’ve been brainwashed by a propagandistic educational system that has failed you miserably, so you have a totally inadequate understanding of finances, money, savings, investing, taxes and financial planning. You only realized you had student debt the size of Mount Everest after you graduated? How did you let it get that way?
  4. You are addicted to those da%ned “smart” phones, for which you spend an inordinate amount of money for. Same can be said for Star-bucks and cable TV. See item # 1.
  5. Most of you don’t know what you want to do, as if that makes any difference, so you aren’t looking in the right places for well-paying jobs. Instead you major in stuff, like “Ethnic cross- culture gender philosophy” which might be interesting but has no practical application.
  6. Most of you could earn a great living if you would stop insisting on being a cube dweller in some big corporation, and took up a trade or majored in a STEM area. My neighbor’s son started a lawn business in high school and makes over $ 130K a year. No, he has no student debt. Another friend’s daughter is a chemical engineer earning over $ 120K first year out.
  7. You’re soft. You want to have hang time, instead of getting out there and fixing stuff, making stuff, meeting people, doing things. Opportunities are everywhere, you just have to get out there and make something of yourself.
  8. Life has been too easy for you. You got participation trophies, and didn’t learn how to fail. So you go through life without that tough edge which propels you to success.
  9. You are the product of your environment, which is to say, your parents, grandparents, schools, and society in general really did fail you… in many ways. That’s our fault. But, you have to take responsibility and fix it.

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