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What does it mean that wealth is created?

You go to Walmart to buy:
  • One cup of salted butter — $0.65
  • One cup of white sugar — $0.15
  • One cup of brown sugar — $0.15
  • Two tablespoons of vanilla — $0.05
  • Two large eggs — $0.15
  • Three cups of all-purpose flour — $1.50
  • One tablespoon of baking soda — $0.05
  • ½ Tablespoon of baking powder —$0.05
  • Total: $2.75 USD
Next, you go home and bake 30 cookies.
Then you deliver them to a party and get paid $30 for your 30 fresh-baked cookies.
You just created $30 minus $2.75 of expenses = $27.25 of wealth.

So, to answer your question, what does it mean that wealth is created?
so it means that the value that someone else was willing to pay for it.
In my example above, the value was:
  1. Going to Walmart
  2. Buying the ingredients
  3. Preparing the cookies with your secret recipe
  4. Delivering them to the customer
The profit of $27.25 was the value (wealth) you created during this transaction.
The more value you can deliver to the market… the more wealthy you will become.

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