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What are three things you should cut out of your life if you are depressed?

1. Masturbation.
Remember pavlov’s dogs? Well that conditioning principle applies here too.
This is your brain’s protocol: “Hey, how should we cope with these horrible feelings? What’s worked in the past? Oh yeah, beating off alone in your room… that made all the bad thoughts go away!”
It’s a bad idea to reward yourself for a behavior that’s not inherently rewarding. But what do I mean by inherently rewarding? When you exercise or connect with friends there is an intrinsic benefit, you feel better because a human need is met or you feel energized because you witness progress from the activity. But masturbation only serves to give someone immediate pleasure without working for anything.
2. Coffee.
I love coffee. Like a son. But caffeine reduces your body’s ability to get into REM sleep which causes hormonal imbalance in your brain. This imbalance directly correlates to mood stabilization which in turn increases your risk for depression. But this section includes all stimulants, depressants, and sugars. Drugs affect sleep, we NEED sleep.
If you must drink coffee, only do it once a day and preferably in the morning to limit wakefulness later that evening.
3. Avoidant behavior.
For change to actually happen, action is necessary. This means we need to employ behavior that is purposeful and not avoidant of the problem.
Often times we need rest and refuge from the world when we’re down. So It’s completely normal to feel like stepping away from a task or person that’s confronted you. Give yourself some compassion and know that you’ll need a break every now and then. With that being said, at some point going for a run, leaving your house to see friends, or getting a new job is just the medicine you need to overcome your problem.
Give those feelings an outlet to be expressed. Remember the emotions you feel (sadness, anger, etc.) are real and thats a fact.
1.) There is a difference between clinical depression and feeling depressed. The question did not specify so my answer was crafted towards the latter. I recommend seeing a therapist if your emotional state starts to interfere with your social/occupational functioning.
2.) There is nothing morally wrong with masturbation.

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